Safety Tips for Floods
- Have a plan in place before an evacuation is ordered. To learn more about creating an Emergency Plan, visit: https://www.ready.gov/make-a-plan
- Avoid walking or driving through flood waters
- Talk to your neighbors about their plans, and encourage them to evacuate early
- If there is a chance of flash flooding, move immediately to higher ground
- Turn on your TV/radio. You will receive the latest weather updates and emergency instructions
- Disconnect electrical appliances and do not touch electrical equipment
Before a Flood
- Assess the safety of your residence and belongings
- Clean drains and gutters around the house
- Plan for sandbags. Visit your local fire station if sandbags are needed
- Maintain all slopes in a safe manner. Roots bring stability to soil
During a Flood
- Do not cross rapidly flowing streams
- Check drainage systems at your home and driveways
- Watch for mudslides and adjust drainage to reduce mudslides
After a Flood
- Don’t return to your flood damaged home if area is not safe
- Sandbags may help divert flood water (unless there is large debris flow)
- Drive slowly and carefully as many roads may have mud debris, holes, and washed-out areas
- Assess damage, check hillsides and houses

Learn more about what to do in the event of a emergency
Prepared by the Los Angeles Fire Department, this Emergency Preparedness Guide has valuable information about a wide range of emergencies.